Fumigation and conditioning of shipping containers

Fumigation and conditioning of shipping containers

Commodities loaded or about to be loaded inside shipping containers must undergo phytosanitary treatment, too, like those loaded into vessel’s cargo holds. Preventative and curative dosages may be applied, depending on the type and level of infestation, destination country requirements, commercial agreements between the parties involved, etc.

Our company specializes in all kinds of treatment available in the industry: fumigation with aluminium phosphide, fumigation with methyl bromide, organic treatments with carbon dioxide, etc.

We also provide quality conditioning services for those containers that must be made weatherproof or cargoes that need special care against the adverse effects that air, moisture, movement, or heat have on your cargoes. Installation of liner-bags, absorbent blankets, desiccant bags, or securing with ISMP15 wooden boards are some of the solutions we bring to the table.

Fumigation with aluminium phosphide

Fumigation with methyl bromide

Organic treatments with carbon dioxide

Liner-bag and absorbent blankets installation

Desiccant bags installation

Cargo securing with ISMP15 wooden boards

Contenedor 2