Disinfection and disinsection of empty cargo holds

Disinfection - Grande

Disinfection and disinsection of empty cargo holds

Great care should be taken to avoid contamination and taint to subsequent cargoes after a vessel has discharged its cargo holds. An empty cargo space requires treatment and conditioning before taking foodstuffs or agricultural loads, and it’s often mandatory before the vessel is allowed to commenced loading operations. 

Likewise, through means of chemical control, empty cargo spaces may be treated to avoid insect population from becoming firmly established in cargo spaces and other parts of the ship. The choice of agent and method of application depend on the type of commodity, the extent and location of the infestation, the importance and habits of the insects found, etc. Cargo harming insects can seriously damage grains or subproducts, so, complementarily to the fumigation that will take place after loading finishes, attacking the problem at its root is often a valid alternative to prevent loss by insect damage.

Disinfection of empty cargo holds

Vessel moored - Chica