Anti-salmonella & mould inhibition treatments

Anti-salmonella & mould inhibition treatments

Salmonella control in animal feed is important in order to protect animal and public health.  Different blends and commercial mixtures of organic acids like formic acid, propionic acid and sodium formate are available in the market to control salmonella from entering the food chain. Likewise, mould inhibitor treatment products are a blend of organic acids formulated to inhibit mould growth in processed feed ingredients, which will, if left unchecked, lead to the production of mycotoxins and lower the nutritional value of feeds.

Biofix Agri is one of the few companies in Brazil and Argentina that can provide salmonella control and mould inhibition treatments for your commodities at the port of loading, providing spraying treatments on conveyor belts as the cargo is being loaded into the vessel’s cargo holds.

Depending on the type of commodity and destination specific requirements, different concentrations of the commercial mixtures available may be used. Our team of experts is more than happy to make recommendations based on your needs.

Anti-salmonella treatments

Mould inhibition treatments

Salmo - Chica