Removal of fumigation residues

Removal - Grande

Removal of fumigation residues

Some in-transit fumigations of commodities are carried out by the implementation of a dustless method, whereby the fumigant, commonly aluminium phosphide, is placed inside retrievable sleeves or sachets. This is done in order to prevent residual presence of the fumigant formulation on the foodstuff, generally to comply with requirements set by the country of destination. Some countries, e.g., China, require compulsorily that no fumigant formulations come in contact with the inbound grains or foodstuff, in addition to demanding that before any inspection of the commodity takes place, all residues have been removed. Only after the sleeves or sachets are removed, will the vessel be allowed to commence operations at the discharge port.

This procedure may be carried out before the vessel has reached destination (in-transit), at anchorage points before the vessel has berthed, or while the vessel is berthed. Depending on the country of destination or the port of discharge, one option may be preferred over the other.  Going back to our previous example of China, Singapore is often a key place to intervene a vessel and remove the fumigation residues, as many vessels are likely to take bunkers there before continuing their voyage to China.

After the fumigation residues have been taken off the ship, prompt disposal at authorized waste management facilities follows.

At Biofix Agri, we offer removal of fumigation residues at many key locations throughout the world. Do not hesitate to contact us and we will be glad to assist you.

Removal & disposal of sleeves

Removal & disposal of sachets

Removal of recirculation pipes/tubes

Removal of blower fans

Removal - Chica