Gas-free measurements and clearance

Vessel + warning sign - Grande

Gas-free measurements and clearance

When people involved in handling goods are unaware of the potential safety and health hazards that a fumigated load entails, exposure to life-threatening gas levels can be reached if the correct procedures are not followed. Steps to ensure that previously fumigated spaces are safe to enter must be taken before a vessel is authorized to commence operations or a shipping container can enter the premises of a company from the port terminal or warehouse where it underwent fumigation. 

At Biofix Agri, we take all necessary precautions to guarantee that gas concentrations are inexistant or have fallen to acceptable levels, by monitoring the ventilation activities carried out, conducting gas-readings at different stages of the discharge process, maintaining and clear and direct communication with all the parties involved in the process, and, finally, declaring clearance of the consignment by issuing the gas-free certificate.



Gas-free certificate

Vent flap + warning sign - chica